AWAKEN Spring 2021 Newsletter

AWAKEN Spring 2021 Newsletter


Seasoned Leader Profile: Taking Ownership and Giving Back
Lisa Faber is deeply connected to the history of hair in Seattle. When she was younger, she loved listening to her aunt, Joanne Meyers, founder of the Seattle Models Guild (later John Robert Powers) talk about the legendary Gene Juarez. In her teens she got to meet him. She promised him she was going to work at his salon one day, which of course she did. Now Lisa owns her own in downtown Seattle and with all the recent changes to the city it is a fixture that has weathered the current financial crisis as a testament to her commitment and savvy. READ MORE

Awaken Your Style
Need to refresh your image on those endless video calls? Pamela Forgrieve, Certified Image Consultant and Director of Operations at our partner Michael Bruce Image Consulting, offers practical advice. READ MORE

Awaken Your Values
Have you been in a meeting and suddenly felt uncomfortable with the direction things are going? It could be your values being trampled on. READ MORE

Ask Susan and Debbie
During a meeting a female student was answering a question and when she left the room a male student made it a point to say that she was too “loud” and “aggressive." READ MORE

Most  Recent  Posts

Seeking feedback on your communication will enhance your leadership presence today

Seeking feedback on your communication will enhance your leadership presence today

Have you ever thought that you did a good job communicating something only to find out later that what you thought you communicated is not what people thought you meant to communicate? You are not alone. Many people think that they communicate clearly and get frustrated when they don’t get the results for which they were hoping.

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Own your leadership journey

Own your leadership journey

What I didn’t realize early in my career was that I could take ownership of my leadership journey – I just needed to know how. Our working definition of leadership at Seasons Leadership is, “the ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others to action.”

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Embrace leading from the middle

Embrace leading from the middle

Every job, every role in an organization is important to the success of the overall organization. A role may show up in the middle of a team or the middle of an organization chart, but how the person in that role shows up, their attitude, and how they do their job matters.

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